Our emblem has three images : India, Shining Sun & the outline of human figures. The image embodies the vision of the institution very aptly. As exhibited in the emblem, the institution is working at encouraging exuberance and values in the youth of India, so that India shines like the solitary sun in space."

- Education for all.
- Education for the youth
- Education for the future of our country.
The Mission of our institution is to serve the society at large, and students belonging to linguistic minority in particular with commitment, dedication and devotion.
- To impart qualitative and valuable service in the field of education.
- To attain community and social development.
- To ensure and inculcate perfect discipline amongst the students
- To aim at overall personality development of the Students.
- To enable students to face the challenges of the competitive world.
- To help the students in discovering their latent talents and in flowering them.
- To instill awareness about social and ecological issues among students and help them in being socially conscious citizens.
The mission and goals of the college are communicated to the students through the orientation programmes. The vision, goals and objectives of the college are made known to all the stakeholders through academic calendars and various meetings.
Quality Policy
We at Nagindas Khandwala Degree College & The Bombay Suburban Grain Dealers Junior College are committed to impart Quality Education to youth enabling them to develop right attitude, professional competence & inculcating right ethical values.
This shall be achieved by:
• Providing excellent infrastructure and conducive learning environment.
• Building a harmonious work culture & motivating every body to contribute the best.
• Pro-actively responding to changing need of industry, parents & society by embracing latest technological trends in the field of education.
• Complying with requirement of ISO 9001:2015 Standard & striving for continually improving the operations of the Institution.
Undertaking from the College
The College will abide by all the regulations of UGC notified from time to time.