Aided Courses

Aided Courses: Syllabus

(prepared as per Autonomous College provision)

Aided Section

FYBA (Sem I & II)

  1. Foundation Course (Paper I & II) (Course Outcome)
  2. Communication Skills (Paper I & II) (Course Outcome)
  3. Hindi/ Marathi/ Gujarati (Course Outcome)
  4. Geography Paper-I (Sem I & II)  (Course Outcome )
  5. Economics (Paper I & II)  (Course Outcome )
  6. Psychology (Paper I & II)  (Course Outcome )


  1. Foundation Course (Paper III & IV) (Course Outcome)
  2. Applied Component Group: Advertising
  3. Optional Group Paper II and III in
  4. 3.1. Geography Paper II (Sem-III & IV) (Course Outcome )
  5. 3.2. Geography Paper-III (Sem III & IV) (Course Outcome )
  6. 3.3. Economics Paper-II (Sem-III & IV)  (Course Outcome )
  7. 3.4. Economics Paper III (Sem III & IV)  (Course Outcome )
  8. 3.5. Psychology Paper-II (Sem III & IV)  (Course Outcome )
  9. 3.6. Psychology Paper-III (Sem III & IV) (Course Outcome )

TYBA (Sem V & VI)

  1. 1. Economics
  2. 2. Geography
  3. 3. Psychology
  4. 3.1 Psychological Testing and Statistics (paper IV)
  5. 3.2 Abnormal Psychology (Paper V)
  6. 3.3 Industrial Psychology (Paper VI)
  7. 3.4 Cognitive Psychology (Paper VII)
  8. 3.5 Practical in Cognitive processes and Psychological testing (Paper VIII)
  9. 3.6 Counseling Psychology (Paper IX)

FYBCom (Sem I and II)

  1. Foundation Course (Paper I & II) (Course Outcome)
  2. Business Communication (Paper I & II) (Course Outcome)
  3. Business Economics (Paper I & II) (Course Outcome)
  4. Environmental Studies (Paper I & II)  (Course Outcome)
  5. Mathematics and Statistics (Sem I & II)  (Course Outcome)
  6. Accountancy and Financial Management (Paper I & II)  (Course Outcome)
  7. Commerce (Sem I & II) (Course Outcome)

SYBCom (Sem III & IV)

  1. Foundation Course (Paper III & IV) (Course Outcome)
  2. Business Law (Sem III & IV) Revised (Course Outcome)
  3. Business Economics (Paper III & IV) (Course Outcome)
  4. Commerce (Paper III & IV) Revised (Course Outcome)
  5. Accountancy and Financial Management (Paper III & IV) (Course Outcome)
  6. Management Accounting & (Auditing) (Course Outcome)
  7. Applied Component Group (Advertising) (Course Outcome)


Compulsory Courses
  1. (Marketing and Human Resource Management) Revised (Course Outcome)
  2. Business Economics
  3. Financial Accounting and Auditing ( Paper V & VI )
  4. (Export Marketing)  (Course Outcome)
  5. (Computer Systems and Applications ) (Course Outcome)
  6. Psychology of Human Behavior at Work (Sem V & VI)

- The above syllabus copies can also be accessed from  Google Drive

- For old question papers, please access Question Bank

- For general queries related to autonomous status, please meet:

Dr. Varsha M. Ainapure (Coordinator, Autonomy)

Admission Merit List